WHAT IS Africans Voice-TV?
African’s Voices TV and Radio will give opportunity for new voices to be heard in the discussions, news, facts, analysis and plans involving Africa. Too often, the voices of Africans are missing; instead, represented by only those willing to accommodate the carefully controlled agendas approved by those in power. As a result, the real issues affecting Africans are not heard and the access of these Africans to the table of discussion and debate has been restricted or blocked.
How can Africa overcome its many challenges and emerge to realize its many strengths, assets and capacities as long as its primary spokespersons and power holders are not purveyors of truth; but instead, are gatekeepers, whose goal is to advance an unchallenged, false narrative with a self-aggrandizing motive in mind?
Who will ask the tough questions, challenge the current failing paradigms, offer effective and empowering solutions, build on current or forgotten strengths, and restore the value and equality of human life?
Who will talk about:
- Why does such a rich continent remain one of the poorest on earth?
- Why is Africa perpetually dependent when it is so rich in resources, b
- oth human and natural? Why is Africa ruled by so many authoritarian leaders?
- Why are some of Africa’s strongest voices for freedom and justice killed, jailed or driven into asylum for speaking the truth or because of calling for democratic change?
- Why is Africa being robbed of its land and resources by its own leaders, their cronies and their partners?
- Why are tens of thousands of our young people leaving Africa in pursuit of freedom or opportunity elsewhere and why are they so willing to risk their lives to do so?
- Why do the prevailing images of Africa reflect suffering, hunger, lack of education and medical care, perpetual conflict, failed states and displacement?
- Why do leaders who genuinely care about the people—Ubuntu—not emerge among us to positions of influence?
- Why does misuse of tribalism still result in abuse, marginalization and subjugation of the “other” instead of acknowledging the value of every human being?
- How do African oppressors misuse the African peoples’ common-held allegiances to ethnic, religious, political or language ties to divide the people and undermine the goals and aspirations of Africans?
Today, many of the chief voices representing Africa are those of dictators who were not elected, who do not consult with the people, who do not care about the people and who instead trample on the rights of the people in order to advance their own power, ambition and greed?
African’s Voices TV and Radio is an alternative to those voices. Let us start talking and thinking about these critically important ideas and come out from the darkness into the light. Let us see ourselves in others. This is why we want the African voice to be heard; it has been missing for too long!