- To provide a widely accessible, non-biased and independent source of news, ideas, opinions and analysis for the Africans from the Horn, with an emphasis in building regional cohesion due to the deeply embedded conflicts between countries, the lack of communication, the absence of coordination of efforts in the best interest of all and the overall lack of freedom of the press and the widespread repression of free expression in the majority of these countries.
- To advance opportunities to build new bridges of understanding between disconnected or alienated African refugees, immigrants, African Americans and Africans on the continent.
- To advance and promote the values of civility, equality, tolerance and respect towards all based on universal principles of justice and the worth and dignity of every human being. Africans have been devalued, divided and defeated for years by each other in a culture where dignity, worth and justice have been given or denied based on one’s ethnic affiliation as opposed to a more universalistic point of view which affirms that all humankind is endowed with certain rights. Such an ethnically-based rhetoric which divides and devalues different sections of people of the Horn will not be tolerated, supported or advanced.
- To advance national and international reconciliation between people in the continent; wherever and whenever possible. An overarching goal would be to provide a venue to begin the reconciliation process between the many groups currently alienated from each other. To save this continent and the region, we have to reconstruct the thinking—winning the minds and souls of the people with the principles that promote honesty, forgiveness, integrity and reaching out to others with care and compassion. New thinking is required to change a nation and region undermined by politics based on “revenge” or “cronyism.”
- To disseminate information in English to as many people as possible from Africa, breaking down some barriers to communication between diverse groups, regions and languages; sometimes providing programming in African languages or other mother tongues when appropriate.
- To provide a medium to serve as a watchdog for regional civil and political society. Included in this would be a voice for honest debate about all the major issues of society—political, civic, economic, international, educational, environmental, religious and other such important discussions within a civil and respectful format.
- To educate Africans in important areas of practical life. Information of educational value could be disseminated widely via radio. Such areas of pertinence might include health issues, marriage, parenting, religious topics, psychological issues like grief, anger, post-traumatic stress, mental illness, community issues like conflict resolution, organization, language classes, business plans and development, the arts, music and poetry.
- To provide an independent source of reliable, non-biased news, opinions, analysis, ideas and information presenting different sides of issues; focused on Africa
- To provide a voice of reconciliation, hope and empowerment to people from Africa living in Washington DC; bringing greater harmony, cooperation and effectiveness in becoming agents of positive change both here and in the continent
- To build bridges of connection between African-Americans, Africans in the Diaspora, Africans on the continent, Americans of all backgrounds and world citizens
- To advance the respect and rights of all people
- To act as a “watchdog” media source of the people and for the people
- To promote appreciation of African culture(s) through music, poetry, literature and
other forms of cultural expression
We seeks an opportunity to offer a radio program in Washington D.C.; geared to inspire, unify, serve, inform and entertain the people from Africa, Africa and America through programming that enhances principles of respect, cooperation, interaction, communication and understanding within and between communities of Africans and the American and international community.
List of Thematic/Focus Area
Open List of Thematic/Focus Area configuration options
Open configuration options
- Administration
- Civil Society and Diaspora
- Communication
- Current Affairs
- Economic Affairs
Podcast Summary
For more information please contact Ethio-Voice Radio/Podcast Producer
Mr. Kalechristos Negash;
Phone: (202) 460-1236
Email: admin@ethio.tv
Website: www.ethio.tv
8204 Fenton St, Suite 203,
Silver Spring MD 20910